Full Record

Main Title: Sand, fireworks and boxthorn : the history of Breakwater and area / William Smith.
Author: Smith, William Joseph
Imprint: Geelong, Vic. : J. Smith, c2009.
Collation: 290 p. : ill., maps, portraits, pbk ; 30 cm.
Subject: General histories
No index
Breakwater (Vic.) (Wadawurrung Country)
ISBN: 9780646508900
Contents include: The Breakwater: origins, construction, disputes, development p3. Introduction to Breakwater township: trials and hardships, importance to Geelong's growth p21. Beginning of wool industry in Geelong and boiling down works, Dennys, Lascelles, Corrigan, Barwon Tannery p35. Description of fellmongering p43. Samual (Samuel?) Bradley Corrigan p50. McDonald and Webster p54. Concannon and successors p56. Belcher's property p59. Douglass p62. Gardiner's p68. Brearley's Tannery p79. East Bank allotment 2 'Sunnyside' p98. Allotment 2 and 3 Eastbank - old Dan Fowler p108. Allotment 4 and 5 Tweed p116. Allotment 6-9 Eastbank Strachans p124. Eastbank Peter Smith Allotment 2 section 10 (known originally as Barwonside but referred to as Riverside from the 1890s) p127. Section 10 allotment 5 Eastbank - Glue factory and fellmongeries and tanneries p132. Section 10 allotment 5,6,12,13,14 Eastbank fellmongers and tanners p133. E.F. Haworth allotment 1 section 2A p134. William Cosgrove, Currier Street p142. Nick Callan p144. Cornelius Doherty p146. O'Connor / Cosgrove allotment 2 section 8 p148. Whittington's Hair Processing Factory p152. Booronggoop p154. Chinese in Breakwater area p156. Hotels p165. Police p173. Shops p182. Post office p185. Churches and schools p189. Progress Association p198. Sports: hurling p203; coursing p204; fishing p205; quoits p206; football club p207; cricket p212; Barwon Amateur Racing Club p216; Geelong Racecourse and Showground p218. Gravel Pits Road p226. Clyde p227. Munday's Tannery p232. Barwon Banks: Michael Bolger p237; John William Hall p238; Peter Smith p239; Dalton / Turner p241; Ambler p243; P.J. (Joe) Hogan p245; Thomas (Charlie) Fowler, J. & H. Fowler and David Sutherland p246; Martin Hurley p247; John Hardyman p248. The Black Line p250. Joe Bearley p257. Sharp Brearley p259. John Brearley - hotel keeper, tannery manager p262. John Brearley's son Sharp p264. Michael Bolger p267. William Brushfield p267. Callan p268. William Cosgrove p269. C.J. Dennys p270. Alf Douglass p270. Cornelius Doherty p271. Dalton p271. Dan Fowler - tanner / fellmonger p272. Fowlers - hotel keepers, Breakwater - All Nations, Traveller's Rest p274. Thomas Francis Fowler (Charlie) p275. Gooleys Publicans [Gooley] - woolsorters, tanners p276. George Gardiner (oil, glue, magic dust) p276. Tim Hardyman - hotel keeper p277. John Hardiman - tanner and hotel keeper p279. Haworth p279. Patrick Joseph Hogan - fellmonger p280. Marin Hurley p281. G.T. Lloyd p282. James Munday - tanner p282. Munday p283. O'Connor p284. Charles Henry Smith p284. Robert Smith Tuffs - engineer, South Barwon p285. Peter Smith p286. Arthur Turner p286. Some police families of Breakwater p287. References p290.
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Non-Fiction Main Library 994.52 BREA SMI Available