Full Record

Main Title: Francis Birtles / Warren Brown. Book Cover
Author: Brown, Warren, 1965-
Imprint: Hachette, 2012.
Collation: 382 p. : ill., portraits, facsims, bib., pbk ; 24 cm
Subject: Birtles, Francis, 1881-1941
Adventure and adventurers
European exploration and explorers
Description and travel
ISBN: 9780733628672 (pbk.) :
A narrative account of the life and times of one of Australia's most extraordinary adventurers - a man who crossed Australia more than 70 times in the early part of the 20th century - by bicycle and car. In 1927 he achieved the greatest motoring feat of the times, driving a car from London to Melbourne. This story follows his exploits across scorching Arabic deserts, through steamy Indian jungles and mountain snow storms. In between these journeys he made a collection of documentaries and films of his encounters with the outback. He documented his exploration of Australia in his book, “Battlefronts of outback”. He eventually travelled to the Northern Territory in search of gold and retired a wealthy man.
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Non-Fiction Main Library 910 BIR BRO Available